Tom Foregger Saves The Day Again

One of our concerns has been remedied for now as Tom guides the Board away from violating its own policies.
Comments from residents on this clip of the District hiring yet ANOTHER person to help our Business Administrator do her job:
“Not only is it a violation of policy, the district has not done it’s due diligence in investigating whether there honestly is an “onslaught” of OPRA requests. If you look at the requests for December and January, the number alone is misleading because seven of the requests are all for the same documents. I beg the public to please look at the actual requests. They are all available on the district website. The hyperbole from our superintendent is disgusting and needs to be called out.”
“And Dr.Foregger proved districts high paid attorney gives us bad legal advice! Again! Frances initially said the board can amend the resolution to state “Assistant to records custodian” and move it to vote. And Robert Cianculli moved to amend the resolution per attorneys advice, only for Dr. Foregger let everyone know that the board had to create this new position that the board attorney suggested! Our #taxdollars at work.”
“If you do go look at those requests, please pay attention to the one where the resident has to tell Julie Kot to stop obscuring documents that the resident knows for a fact exist. Ms. Kot is creating more work for herself by playing games.”
“What many need to be aware is by making Stephen Hopkins (who varley said was the most qualified for this job) the district is opening itself to a huge conflict of interest! How can someone from the BH administrators union have access to emails of the superintendent, asst superintendents, board me members and the entire district staff? In addition to emails the custodian of records has access to all records including legal advice. Has this been thought through by the superintendent when she said he is the “most qualified” for this job?”
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