What a better process looks like…

Here is a clip from the last Town Council Meeting (public comment on the budget). Residents should compare this 15-minute clip to the clip we published yesterday of the most recent BOE Meeting where the tentative District Budget was discussed and voted on. It’s a good side-by-side exhibit of open, receptive, civil government (Town Council) and closed, adversarial and secretive process (BOE). Some key differences:

-Sai was allowed to ask questions for a FULL 15 minutes

-The Mayor, Town Council Members, and Township Administrator engaged in a conversation with her

-The Town Council, Mayor, and Township Administrator were open to her suggestions

Another interesting note is that the Town Council is not allowed to have a separate Finance Committee, which forces a more open and “in public” budget process. It means that all members of the council and the public have greater access to the conversations shaping the final product. While less efficient, it leads to more transparency and a better quality outcome. More challenging for government officials but better for the public – how it should be.

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John Migueis

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