Option II

Parent expresses concern on response she received from the District on Option II
– Kelly Hufnagel
The lack of consideration for individual student needs is appalling.
For background, NJ law requires that all HS students have 4 years of physical education. “Option II” allows for some exceptions, namely student athletes. This has not been a BH policy and was last reviewed by the BOE in January 2017.
Back on February 27th, I requested that my son be allowed “Option II” to opt out of gym. This request was sent to Dr. Varley, Ms. Kot, and all members of the BOE.
After sending 2 follow-ups with no responses, I finally received this response from Dr. Varley on April 3rd:
The Board’s decision on moving to Option II is a very long, involved process. This is something that will take planning as well as employing more people to track those who are opting to use this program and ensuring the program meets the requirements. It is definitely not something that can happen by the next school year.
However, I will bring this to the curriculum committee.
I am not sure what is more frustrating:
- Taking over a month to get any response
- The audacity to think we need to hire yet another administrator to track something I could do in a simple excel file
- The complete lack of consideration for an individual situation
Actually, it’s the last one. Because of my son’s VoTech track and the need to meet other graduation requirements, my son will not have any opportunities to take any electives and pursue other interests.
There is a lot of talk about equity in our district, but this does not seem equitable.
I encourage the administration and the board to work with parents about individual needs to ensure all students get the best possible education possible.
Original Email Sent to the Dr. Varley, Julie Kot and the BOE: