Is it Time for Our Superintendent to Start Paying Attention?

Or would that make things worse?

Sometimes the reactions, by a collective group of individuals, to a simple request can be far more enlightening than was actually asked. At the last Board meeting Dr. Foregger, supported by Ms. Khanna, made a motion to have the Superintendent present a report on the factors contributing to the district’s decline in performance.

This simple request received responses I would have expected if Dr. Foregger had made a motion to offer a contract of employment to Aldof Hitler.

Dr. Varley and her #1 sidekick, Mr. Hopkins, traveled across the country in December to make a presentation on our DEI program. A DEI presentation has yet to be offered to our community’s stakeholders since DEI’s proposal and inception nearly three years ago.

A few weeks ago, an article boasting the many accomplishments of Dr. Varley’s time here was published in the Ocean County Daily News (by MediaWize, which is a pay-for PR company). The article was undoubtedly written by Dr. Varley or one of her 400 staff members to help mask the sea of fact-based articles floating around on the internet. The article credited Melissa for her work with special education students and the value she places on early education.

Ask Melissa how many times she has set foot in our preschool classrooms. Or, what particular specials our elementary students take part in. Ask her about the elementary rotation schedule. The fact that she had to count, on her fingers, how many Directors we have – but ultimately explained that she wasn’t sure – I can rest easy knowing the majority of what is put out about the Superintendent is nothing more than her land of make-believe reality filled with hypothetical imagination. She’s happy to post pictures of smiling Board members and herself on social media. But, when it comes down to the grit of what drives this district, STUDENT SUCCESS, she, along with her loyal minions, will do anything to shift focus away from her responsibility to improve the District’s shortcomings.

If we aren’t constantly addressing how to improve, it’s time to find new leadership. Student success is a priority of solid leadership, excellence in education, and a community of support who refuses to settle on being “ok.” Success for our students and our educators is, and should be, driven by what we can achieve and not ever allowing for limitation on success. Success is predicated on a support system that never settles for the sub-par or how many “likes” the social media accounts receive. The “look” of success can be found in the numbers, not in presentations or articles placed miles away from Berkeley Heights.

Related Articles:

It’s Time For A Vote Of No Confidence

Varley: Building a Legacy of Division and Decline

This Administration Is A Disaster

Misinformation is the name of the game, and Dr. Varley is an expert.

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