From Our Inbox: 08/06/2023

Will CMS no longer offer sewing or cooking classes?

Recently a Community Member sent us the following message:

I am wondering if the middle school parents have been informed that there will no longer be any sewing or cooking classes offered to students? I know Top Chef was a big hit in the past.

Based on our sources this is true but we are unable to find an announcement from the District on this. From what we understand – for a period of time there was no ABA program running at Columba due to a gap in the ages of students needing those services. When the program had been running, it was in a regular classroom.

There is a job listing for Teacher of Family and Consumer Sciences, yet we are told that the sewing room and kitchen are being converted to an ABA classroom. Consumer Science could still be available but without the opportunity for cooking, and possibly sewing as well…… or the District may be “unable” (lol) to find a teacher to take the position.

For information on the status of cooking and sewing classes at CMS or to express a position on student access to these classes please consider emailing the Board of Education:

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