The Unredacted Detailed Budget That Some of Our BOE Members Have Not Seen

2023-2024 Unredacted Detailed Adopted Budget- Berkeley Heights Public Schools
According to confirmed sources within the District neither the previous Business Administrator, Finance Chair Joy Young or Board President Angela Penna circulated the unredacted detailed adopted budget for school year 2023-2024 to the full BOE. In other words, this would be the first time some BOE members have access to this document and it will also be a first for the public.
Think about that. Let it sink in for a minute.
We will be digging into this but a couple of notes for now based on a 10 minute glance:
Legal is up 27% to $170,000 however as we know through the ACFR this may end up being much higher still at the end of the year.
Total Administrative Costs appears level despite assurances the recent reorganization would save us money. Again, if history is any guide expect the actual number to go up on the ACFR.
Textbooks got an increase and while percentage increased might be high, its coming from a paltry number to a total actual amount of 13k .
“ACFR stands for Annual Comprehensive Financial Report . An ACFR is a set of financial statements for a state, municipality or other governmental entity that comply with the accounting requirements established by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB).”
As I indicated we will be providing firmer analysis later on as well as the saga surrounding how we obtained these documents.