Natasha’s Notes on the 09/14/2023 BOE Meeting

2023 BOE Candidate Natasha Joly Shares her Notes on the 09/14/2023 BOE Meeting

GLHS Student Gia Ghosh presented a beautifully written essay on her experience growing up as an Indian student in Berkeley Heights. She spoke eloquently about how the community has evolved positively.

NJSLA presentation – the audience could not follow along as all of the visuals were blurry, so it was difficult. Apparently, the presentation was posted at 7:30, but I didn’t realize until I checked the website for something else. 

The administrators were happy with the Green bars (meeting or exceeding) vs the state. For math, one standout was Algebra II, with a 95% proficiency. However, Algebra I – 59% vs 35% state, and Geometry – is 53% vs 54% state. These scores are across multiple grades taking that subject are abysmal. 

ELA results showed higher percentages (70%-80%)

We need to see a comparison to prior years and other schools in the district (other school data should be available next week)

Lots of discussion around policy 0143 – and the use of “improper campaign practices” as well as why are we amending policies that are not mandatory. The board could not provide an example of what would constitute improper campaign practices. And it would be a private citizen who would file a petition against the candidate, not the board. Which makes me wonder – a board member can file an ethics complaint against a fellow member as an individual. So, how would this be different? 

Mr. Cianciulli responded that the wording was pulled from Strauss Esmay as is – no one on the board amended the language. His stated motivation is to ensure that the policies governing the board are all up to date before his leaving. 

Policy 0141 does not impact this November election. 

Ms. Stanley once again spoke up for the children and how she would rather discuss things directly impacting children and not campaigns. Board members do impact children, and this policy 0143 may affect a duly elected board member. 

Curriculum committee update – discussed new cyber security class. Also, discussed re-branding some engineering classes to help improve female enrollment in these classes (this is a good thing). The word study program is kicking off with a curriculum expected to be written over the summer. Beyond the school day program is also continuing.

Sai asked about participation in Zoom meetings (going on 2 years now). I think Ms. Penna said that they decided to investigate further last time they met on the topic. However, it hasn’t been on the Tech Committee agenda for a while.

Karin asked when we will be presented with the climate survey results. Apparently, the district is still planning on presenting something. And given that the district owns the data, how do we know it’s not manipulated to support their desired result?

Courtesy bussing – Sai and I both asked about it. The district is looking to hire a third party to conduct a survey. I’m all for independent surveys, but don’t we already have the data? Don’t we already report numbers to the state? 

I also asked about BTC, as Ms. Khanna’s question was not answered. Dr. Varley stated that the district is continuing with BTC and that teachers are getting support. From whom exactly as we effectively do not have a Math supervisor?

During the new business portion of the meeting, Ms. Stanley was once again a cheerleader for the children. She praised Gia and Katherine – and let me say rightly so, as they are both so accomplished. However, she said when she thinks of Berkeley Heights Schools, she thinks of all of the amazing students at all levels, not scoresEveryone is entitled to an opinion but how is her opinion new business? 

Ms. Stanley also complimented Dr. Varley speaking about how the Superintendent spearheaded many initiatives to support all of the students. It sounded more like a reference letter, not new business. Ms. Stanley cited the hiring of Ms. Kopacz as an example. However, I’m still not clear what initiatives the SI spearheaded. And we still haven’t heard her presentation that Dr. Foregger requested months ago about our proficiencies, rankings, and plan to address them.

Finally, Dr. Foregger wanted to raise something in new business but was shut down by Ms. Penna and Frances, warning him that whatever it was could only be discussed in an executive session. They shut him down quickly, saying it would be an ethics violation. Sound familiar?

See All Articles on Agendas and Meeting Summaries

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