Berkeley Heights BOE Committee Meeting Minutes for August 2023

Berkeley Heights BOEBOE Minutes

Below are the Board Committee Meeting Minutes BHCW received for August through an OPRA request.

Committee meetings are different than closed sessions – what is discussed during these meetings can very well be addressed by the Board in public meetings. The argument against doing so by one BOE member has been that it would prevent the BOE from accomplishing as much. However, if one considers that the BOE used to meet more often and that once fewer meetings occurred, they were crammed with unnecessary or politicized policy changes, that argument grows thin.

Consider also that the BOE can record Committee Meetings and allow public access to these meetings. This simple change would preserve the current structure of the BOE and allow for public access and input.

Of course, there was no response to this suggestion made to the BOE. As you will see in the minutes, it’s not about “getting the work done.” or “the kids” but controlling the narrative and ensuring that BOE Members who are not the majority members don’t have their positions heard in public. What’s said in meetings and what shows up on the minutes are very different. 

One example of this desire to spin becomes evident early on in the minutes below. There appears to have been a discussion on Board Committees during a Policy Committee Meeting. In reading the minutes, you will discover that Dr. Forreger wanted “some changes that were denied by the remaining committee members”. (07/31 minutes on P0155 Board Committees)

After reading those same minutes, you will have absolutely no idea what those proposed changes were or the arguments for and against them.

 Given the amount of bullying Dr. Foregger and Ms. Khanna face during and immediately after public meetings (and probably in between meetings via email if the history of how they treated Sai is any indicator), we could only imagine the harassment he received. 

Since Dr. Foregger and Ms. Khanna are in the minority, guess what happens when they vote no on inaccurate minutes – probably the same thing that happened during and after the last BOE Meeting.

More importantly, though, the public is robbed of hearing what might have been a better way to conduct meetings. Perhaps Dr. Foregger wanted to open discussions to the public. Maybe he wanted to have monthly curriculum committee meetings. I’m no fan of the NJSBA, but last year’s representative questioned what an athletics committee does and informed the Board that, unlike our district, other districts have monthly curriculum meetings.

When one remembers that this is the same majority that refuses to allow participation in meetings via Zoom, a low regard for community engagement becomes evident.

Board Committee Meeting Minutes for August 2023

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This Article Made Possible by OPRA…Learn How To Protect This Important Law!

John Migueis

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