Support for Natasha

-Michelle Bartiromo

I have known Natasha for about 8 years. I am thrilled to support her for Board of Education (BOE) and have the utmost confidence she will work hard to represent me, my friends and my community.

While I won’t pretend to know all of the ‘hot”  issues associated with our schools and going on with the BOE, I know about the ones that are affecting my family and my kids.  I have talked about those concerns with Natasha, and I know my voice is not alone and my experience and the experience of my children will not be ignored, misrepresented or patronized.

Natasha is a mother first and she is dedicated to decision making based upon how they will affect the most important part of our school district – our children.

She has attended almost every Board meeting over the last few years and has been the voice to so many parents and community members, and I applaud her involvement, commitment and her enthusiasm when it comes to keeping the focus on the students and teachers.  For Natasha, her slogan isn’t just what the people want to hear, she has done her due diligence and truly wants to bring the focus of our Board of Education back to putting education first.  Please remember to get out and vote.

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