Since learning about potential changes to OPRA in June of this year, we have been reaching out to the Mayor and members of the Town Council in connection to concerns we have about harmful changes to the NJ Open Public Records Act and (more recently) the Open Meetings Act.

Here are the responses we received from Mayor Devanney, Councilman Couto, and Councilman Varnerin that we felt were worth sharing :

Mayor Devanney:

Councilman Couto:

Councilman Varnerin:

Here are the five emails John has sent on this issue since June.

In the most recent email, John referenced an interview with Ms. Miles of the NJ Working Families Party – here is a link to that interview.

We are hopeful that further communication from the Mayor and Town Council Members is on the horizon as folks settle back in from the holiday, and we will provide important updates as we receive them.

Related Articles:

Update On Efforts to Change the Open Public Records and Open Public Meetings Act During Lame Duck Session

Take Action to Save the Open Public Records Act

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Community Voices

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