The Community Voted For Change & BHPSNJ Administration Can’t Seem to Let Go

With A Split Board, The former Majority May Be Resorting to Desperate Tactics on Day One
The Board Agenda for the Re-Organization Meeting has been the same for decades. However, it appears the District is attempting to change the rules to prevent the change the community has voted for in the past three years.
Multiple individuals have emailed and called the Superintendent, Business Administrator, and Board, asking that the Agenda return to what it has always looked like, as the new Agenda would prevent the new Board from voting on Attorneys and does not allow for new business. We also learned they may even pull out policy-related sections in the 11th hour.
I sent two emails to the Board; the first on January 2nd and the second (to Ms. Penna) went out earlier today. Some context to this email – Ms. Penna was reportedly in the District Administrative offices this morning- hours before tonight’s meeting. It is important to note that Ms. Penna is no longer Board president; her term ended with the last Board.
Here is a copy of my second email:
Dear Ms. Penna,
As you are aware the agenda for tonight’s re-organization meeting does not seem finalized.
The version on the BHPS website is missing several annual appointments that the board should be voting on per policy.
If your visit to the district office today was to restore those, annual appointments for the attorney, readoption of policies and new business to the agenda, it would be a step in the right direction.
If it wasn’t, I want to remind you that with new board members on the board, this is an opportunity to listen to the community that elected everyone sitting at the table, except the attorney.
Also, the BHPS Website indicates there is an exec session which is misleading and can confuse the public as to the start time of the meeting.
I have attached last year’s agenda as the Business Administrator appears to be in a constant state of confusion as to what should be included.
Soon after I sent this email, the District removed the Executive Meeting from it’s website but the other significant problems with the Agenda remain.
Update @ 4:57pm: The District Posted A Revised Agenda and It’s Worse than we Thought
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