Laura’s Notes: 01/18/2024 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting Agenda


The election of the Board President and Vice President will be attempted once again.

At the 1/4/24 meeting, no President or Vice President was elected as the Board was tied in a 4-4 split. We were told the vote would be moved to an appointment by the County Superintendent.

Several members presented the idea of compromise, which means that no one “wins” and both settle on something they ALL agree upon.

Also on the agenda is the election of a temporary officer. Presumably, this would be if a majority vote fails to elect a President or Vice President. It is unclear whether the temporary officer is for the 1/18/24 meeting or ongoing and what authority this position holds. 


In the past, this was reported on transparently; the sender and subject were included in this portion of the agenda. Recently, this section of the agenda has become an oral report. BHCW has been using Open Public Records Requests (OPRA) after each Board meeting to review Board communications. We publish a monthly summary report on the communication to the Board. Emails from the public are only published by BHCW if permission is granted from the writer. 


D. Approve presentation by consultant David Corsaro. 

It may be a coincidence, but the only information we could find on this presenter is that he is a famous magician.

E. Substitute lunch and playground aide positions are getting a $1 pay increase to $16/hour. 

F. School Calendar for 2024-25 is being approved. 

Staff will start on 8/29 & 8/29, and students will begin AFTER Labor Day (yay!!!) on 9/3.


C. Curriculum is being introduced to approve a course in Cybersecurity. Generally, the curriculum is approved in August; I am unsure why this is being introduced for approval or re-approval (presumably changes were made?) at the January meeting.


B. Media Specialist at GL is being hired. This position was being split between the current CMS Media Specialist and the current CMS Media Specialist.

I. & J. & AB. Retirements/Resignations: C. Candlaria (bus driver), K. Lalley (GL), J. Okkings (GL), M. Varley*, M. Raiti (MP), and L. Sullivan (MP).

*Dr. Varley is listed as being a member of the Central Office. While her office resides with Central Office staff, as the Chief Security Administrator (CSA), she is technically a member of the Administrative team.


A. Settlement agreement being paid regarding an OPRA case. 

C. Payment of Bills between meetings

The language in the resolution for approval on 1/18/24 HAS NOT CHANGED from its original resolution introduced on 1/4/24. The resolution is to appoint the Board Secretary to fulfill the duty, but the policy already designated the position as responsible for this. The policy allows an additional person to be appointed IN ADDITION to the Board Secretary, who is also responsible.

New Jersey Statutes, Title: 18A, EDUCATION

Chapter 19: Expenditures of funds on warrant only; requisites.

Section: 18A:19-4.1: Account or demand; audit; approval.

4. A board of education may, by resolution, designate a person in addition to the secretary to audit any account and demand to be paid pursuant to subsection a. of N.J.S.18A:19-4, and provide for approval of the account or demand by that person or the secretary prior to presentation to the Board of education. Any account or demand approval shall be presented to the Board of education at their next meeting for ratification. The Board of education may establish a maximum dollar amount for which payment may be authorized without prior Board of education approval.

D. BA designation as transfer authority

The language in the resolution for approval on 1/18/24 HAS NOT CHANGED from its original resolution introduced 1/4/24.

Our policy, 6422, designated the Superintendent of Schools to approve such transfers as are necessary between meetings of the Board. Transfers approved by the Superintendent shall be reported to the Board, ratified and duly recorded in the minutes at a subsequent meeting of the Board, but not less than monthly.

E. Re-Adopt policies and regulations*

*Neither regulations or current curriculum guides are available in the attachments. The Policy Manual is available on the district website. 


Notable transactions:

(2 of 18) Board Meeting Supplies $70 this is irrelevant, but curious is being bought for BOE meetings?

(4 of 18) Clearly, Giaccobe, et. Al has $7,144.50 legal bills to date!

(5 of 18) Settlement Agreement $1,500 regarding an ORPA case that was not litigated but immediately settled.

(7 of 18) Jager Lumber $328.15 DHMS security – what is DHMS security?

(8 of 18) Settlement Agreement $44,508.80 unknown case settlement.


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