BHCW 01/21/2024 Newsletter

What’s Important to Know About Berkeley Heights This Week….

This week’s newsletter includes a NightWatch episode featuring Liza Viana, Township Administrator, who discusses Sewage, Flooding, Bell Labs, and other topics.

Our written content focused primarily on the 01/18/2024 BOE, during which the BOE Deadlocked, Ms. Stanley, Ms. Bradford, and the BOE Attorney played the role of political operative (again), and Jordan Hyman offered a stark and highly effective contrast to how Ms. Penna and her predecessors facilitated meetings.

Residents discovered that the District’s Audit was overdue one week after discovering the Superintendent received an under-the-radar raise in a manner that violated policy and, possibly, state law.

We finish the newsletter with a couple of endorsements for Dipti, important news from around the state, our weekly notes, and the top three BHCW articles for December.

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