What’s Important to Know About NJ This Week – 02/24/2024

Property Taxes Hitting 10k, Age of Consent May Lower for Behavioral Health Services, ACLU Launches Clemency Project, Norovirus is the Latest Craze, Message from Kevin Walsh of OSC, April Eclipse – Where Can You See It?

NJ Property Taxes Touching 10k Average


The New Jersey Department of Community Affairs recently released detailed data breaking down property tax rates and trends by municipality, county and more.

Overall, the report found New Jersey homeowners paid an average of $9,803 in property taxes last year, an increase of more than $300. Meanwhile, a new study from WalletHub identified the Garden State as having the highest real estate property tax nationwide. Read More

NJ One Step Closer to Lowering Age of Consent For Outpatient Behavioral Health Services

New Jersey Monitor

A Senate panel approved legislation Thursday that would lower the age of consent for minors to seek outpatient mental and behavioral health care from 16 to 14 after hours of testimony, much of which had nothing to do with the bill at all. Read More

ACLU to Tackle Unjust Sentences in NJ

NJ Spotlight

ACLU New Jersey has launched The Clemency Project to advocate for shorter sentences for people currently incarcerated in state prisons. Advocates say they’re focused on prisoners who are survivors of domestic violence, and people who received much longer prison sentences after a trial, compared to what they had been offered by prosecutors in plea deals. Read More

What You Need to Know About NoroVirus


Norovirus is often spread through direct contact with an infected person, eating food or drinking liquids contaminated with the virus, or touching contaminated surfaces, health officials said. It also spreads through the feces and vomit of an infected person. Read More

Kevin Walsh, State Comptroller, Ninja Message to NJ Residents on Local CFO’s

Kevin Walsh Twitter Page

New Jerseyans Will Need To Head Out Of State For April Eclipse


Notable cities within the path closest to North Jersey are Buffalo, New York; Burlington, Vermont; and Erie, Pennsylvania, each roughly a five- to six-hour drive from the area. Residents willing to travel farther can head to major cities like Dallas, Cleveland and Indianapolis. Read More

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State Representatives for Berkeley Heights Residents

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