What’s Important to Know About NJ This Week – 03/02/2024
NJ Schools Best in Nation?, Blood Tests for DUI, Apprenticeship Programs Get 8 Million Dollar Boost, Many Districts Win Big & Others Lose in Budget, Kevin Walsh Up for Another Term at OSC
Are NJ Schools Really “Best In Nation” ?
NJ Education Report
As you can see from the graph, from 2003-2013, the era of NCLB [No Child Left Behind], student outcomes in math (based on that gold-standard of measurement, the National Assessment for Educational Progress, or NAEP) went steadily up, regardless of students’ starting points. In fact, lower-performing students made up so much ground they essentially closed the achievement gap.
But starting in 2012, when NCLB hit the dustbin, student achievement plummeted. Even if you ignore the 2022 NAEP scores as an artifact of the pandemic, the declines are huge. Sure, under the Obama Administration states had to reform standards, assessments, and teacher evaluations, but they no longer had to disclose whether or not students made Adequate Yearly Progress and could pick and choose which schools would be subject to state intervention. Read More
New Bill Would Allow Police to Nab Blood Sample for DUI
New Jersey Monitor
Under current law, anyone in New Jersey who drives is consenting to provide a breath sample if police believe they are driving drunk — it’s called “implied consent.” The new bill would expand that to include a blood test and apply to any narcotic, hallucinogenic, or other drug. Someone would be deemed under the influence of marijuana if they test positive for 3 nanograms or more of THC — the chemical that gets cannabis users high. Read More
NJ Invests 8 Million in Apprenticeship Programs
GAINS develops new and existing apprenticeship programs. It also creates Registered Apprenticeship programs in high-growth industries, with a focus on equality of opportunity, upward mobility and economic fairness. In this round, $5 million is awards went to 13 grantees. The program expects to place 1,018 apprentices in a slew of occupations. Read More
$11 Billion More for NJ Schools- But Some Districts Lose Big
NJ Spotlight
Under the budget plan presented by Gov. Phil Murphy this week, next year will mark the seventh and final year in the state’s ramp-up to full funding the court-approved school finance law. But it’s not good news for everyone.
For a majority of districts, those adjustments have meant annual increases to expand programs, upgrade facilities and increase teacher salaries. But for about 140 school districts, it will mark another year of potentially millions of dollars in cuts. Read More
Kevin Walsh – Government Accountability Jedi – Needs Our Help
Kevin Walsh is NJ’s Acting State Comptroller, and his appointment is being held up by two Senators connected to a South Jersey Party Boss who doesn’t even live here any more and was on the wrong end of Mr. Walsh’s tireless efforts to protect New Jerseyans from corruption and wasteful spending, according to Jersey Vindicator. Read More