05/30/2024 BOE Agenda Notes on Proposed Changes to Policy 2411- Guidance Counseling

The first item of concern for me in the proposed policy is the removal of language that:

(1) Indicates collaboration between the guidance office and teaching staff

(2) Reaffirms the necessity of having licensed/certified guidance and counseling staff    

(3) Assures services are available to all students from pre-K through Senior Year


Old Policy

New (draft) Policy

The policy then offers alternatives that may involve certified staff, classroom teachers (without the designation of a certification), or staff under the direction of certified staff.  

It is unclear whether the BOE must choose “only one” of the alternatives listed or if this choice is left to the building principle.  

The new policy also removes the term “legal guardian” and only includes “parent.”

Old Policy

New Policy

The language on equal access to services is removed but is captured later on in connection to referenced state statutes.

The policy changes are confusing and should involve a good deal of clarification before a vote as it may represent a significant change in the overall approach to how Guidance is provided and administered.


Draft Policy

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