09/24/2024 Town Council Meeting- Resolutions 9 & 4- Nokia Property and New Attorney with Higher Rates for Sewage Issues

Ken Lund from Reno, Nevada, USA - Bell Laboratories at New Providence, New Jersey

Residents should pay close attention to a proposed Memorandum of Understanding regarding the Nokia Property, which involves the NJDEP Resolution #9 on the 9/24/2024 Town Council Agenda.

The NJDEP is headed by Shawn LaTourette, who has been accused of using strong-arm tactics in connection with waterfront properties. Critics have argued that he places pressure on builders until the few preferred are the only ones willing to take on the work.

Looking at the chronology of events after Nokia Lucent announced its move, there have yet to be town halls or outreach to Berkeley Heights residents on what they would like done with the property. The mayor immediately involved Governor Murphy and the NJDEP and is now signing a MOU for $50,000 to hire a consultant – money from the NJDEP often has conditions. Have residents been informed on why NJDEP needs to be involved and what, if any, fine print is attached to this money? How will NJDEP’s involvement help Berkeley Heights?  

Also needing clarification is how the NJDEP was involved early on with the Nokia property.  Yet, there appears to be little evidence of their involvement with the turf field despite the potential environmental impact.

On a separate resolution (# 4), the proposed budget for the current Attorney has been reduced to $75,000 from $100,000, while another resolution (# 5) authorizes new legal counsel Savo Schalk to handle water and Sewer issues at a higher rate ($250/hr versus the $165 now charged by Antonelli—totaling $25,000).

We are unclear as to why the township would require a new attorney for water and sewer issues and why this appointment is being made without an RFP.

Residents with questions should attend tonight’s meeting in-person. Unlike the Board of Education, the Township does not allow residents to participate remotely.


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09/24/2024 Town Council Agenda

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