Zoning Board Approves Westminster Project

Residents expressed concerns about the Westminster project during last week’s Zoning Board Meeting, and the Township’s push-back on the project ranged from being anemic to nonexistent.

The Zoning Board was threatened with a lawsuit, and the Township had previously allocated $10,000 for a defense; however, the Board approved the project. Deegan did not vote, West abstained, and Pereda voted “No”.

A resident asked how they are allowing a large driveway in relation to the amount of land.

When a resident asked whether he was able to get an extra large driveway, a Zoning Board Member responded, “Just because we allowed the church an extra large driveway doesn’t mean we will allow you.”

Another resident expressed concerns that the town has a 25% variance for steep or sloped terrain, and removing all the trees will cause excessive flooding and traffic concerns. Another expressed the concern that residents would be forced to drive an extra 2.1 miles to get to MKM as they can’t make a left if the property is approved.

Traffic concerns continued to be expressed as BOE Member Akiri attended the meeting and stated that a traffic study completed was only for the specific property, that a more comprehensive traffic study was never done to identify the choke points by adding this new property on Plainfield Ave.

The builder’s attorney claimed that opponents did not bring one expert and posited NIMBY arguments.

There will be a sign going up informing drivers that left turns would prohibited from 7:30 AM to 5:30 Monday to Friday.

See All Articles About The Westminster Proposal

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