Question to Town Council Candidates: Question #2 No Bid Contracts for Lobbyists and Public Relations Firms

NJ21st sent our second question to the Berkeley Heights Town Candidates on 10/02/2024 with Responses Due on 10/12/2024:

Despite your refusal to answer our last question on OPRA reform (surprising as one candidate was very vocal about how we “mischaracterized” her position) we’re not giving up on you yet – we believe in you! Responses are due 10/12/2024 Noon.

One current TC candidate having a track record of supporting every single vote in hiring lobbying firms and PR firms.

Ironically, residents rarely get timely updates from elected representatives, other than the typical robocalls to seniors or door-to-door efforts during election season.

Examples abound, including the Land Use Ordinance and the sad news in connection to Mt. Carmel (despite our “great relationship with the County” and paid lobbyists).

Do you support approving no-bid contracts to lobbying firms and paid PR firms?

Responses to Question 1 (Transparency) were made available In September.

NJ21st received responses from Dr. Foregger, Matthew Behne, and Arik Samson . (BOE Canddiates)

We did not receive responses from BOE Candidates Ruth Debang, Dr. Moore, George Devanney, Pamela Stanley, Deb Terrero or Town Council Candidates Roberta Koubek, John Foster, Andrew Moran or Vince Capone .

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