NJ21st Statement on Community Voices Articles

Note From Admins

Community Voices articles are contributions from guest writers whose submissions do not undergo the standard editorial vetting process applied to our regular articles. However, this does not necessarily diminish their factual accuracy or significance.

Unlike many media outlets, we do not remove Community Voices articles at the request of elected officials or government bodies. There is a troubling history of media organizations and public officials working together to suppress content simply because an elected representative deems it “inaccurate,” even when substantial evidence supports the claims made in opinion pieces.

All of our content remains rooted in government affairs and policy. Naturally, there will be differences in interpretation and perspective. However, holding a title—whether as a Mayor, Councilperson, or Board of Education Representative—does not grant anyone exclusive authority over the truth. The strength of an argument lies in the facts presented, not in the position of the person making it.

If a government official or agency believes a Community Voices article contains inaccuracies, they are welcome to submit a response, which we will gladly publish.

Unlike other local news organizations, we are committed to presenting multiple viewpoints rather than catering only to those in political favor.

To Submit a Community Voices Article:

Send your article to team@bhcw.io as a Word Document or PDF. Include your nametown, and phone number (only your name will be published).

We do not allow anonymous posts unless you’re at risk of retaliation from a government, politically controlled volunteer organization or non-profit employer. Verified sources can submit facts for us to publish confidentially.

Articles must follow our terms, be substantive, and fit our site’s tone (candidate endorsements get more flexibility). Check our articles for reference.

For shorter posts, join our Facebook Group.

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