Why Is Our Volunteer Fire Department Being Sidelined?

Arik Samson is a resident of Berkeley Heights and was a 2024 Candidate for BOE
Public safety decisions should be made with transparency, accountability, and a clear focus on the well-being of the people they affect. That’s why I, like many others in our town, am deeply concerned about the recent decision to move the Fire Prevention Bureau from the oversight of the Fire Department to the Building Department. This isn’t just about the decision itself—it’s about how it was made.
At the heart of this issue is our volunteer fire department—a group of dedicated individuals who put their lives on the line for this community. Unlike police departments, public works, or other municipal agencies, they have no union representation and no political power advocating for them. The only voices they have speaking on their behalf are us—the people they serve.
When a major policy change affecting public safety is made, the public deserves a clear and well-documented explanation. But in this case, the Mayor and Council have provided no formal justification for why this shift is necessary. This decision was introduced and passed without meaningful discussion or public outreach. If there was a compelling reason for this change, why wasn’t it shared upfront? This isn’t the first time we’ve seen something like this happen. Over the past few years, I’ve noticed a troubling pattern: major changes being pushed through quickly, with little explanation or public input. It’s frustrating to watch decisions that affect our town—especially those related to safety—being made behind closed doors.
I don’t believe that important matters like public safety should take a backseat to development deals, political donors, or outside interests. But with each rushed decision, it feels like those forces are gaining more influence over how our town is run.
The volunteer fire department has no one fighting for them—except us.
They don’t have a union, lobbyists, or a collective bargaining agreement.
The only people advocating for them are the residents who understand the critical role they play in our safety. That’s why this issue matters. If decisions that affect public safety can be made without transparency and without considering the impact on those doing the work, what does that say about how other crucial town matters are being handled?
I hope that more people will start asking questions—because the people who risk their lives for us deserve better than silence.
Editors Note: Earlier today NJ21st requested and received a copy of the BHFD Annual Report which can be viewed here.
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