The BHPSNJ BOE Must Remain Focused on the Budget

BHPSNJ BudgetBOE Agendas and Meeting Summaries

We received confirmation from BOE Vice President Dipti Khanna, reinforcing what our sources within the Municipal Government have been telling us all along.

The CMS Lease Agreement unexpectedly appeared on the same agenda as the Budget, prompting us to reach out to Dr. Feltre, Ms. Bradford, and Ms. Khanna for clarification. Below is a breakdown of Ms. Khanna’s response:

“On March 5, the district administration provided an update on ongoing discussions with the Township regarding the Lower Columbia lease agreement. It is clear from the update that negotiations are still in progress.”

This raises a critical question: Why would Dr. Feltre recommend a vote on a lease agreement that is still being negotiated? Or is this Ms. Bradford’s doing?

Back in February, our sources informed us that the Mayor and the Recreation Department were coordinating a disruption of the Budget meeting. Now, this lease agreement suddenly appears on the agenda of the Districts first budget meeting, and—almost immediately—political organizations and former BOE candidates begin rallying residents to support it.

Yet, the lease agreement is still under negotiation. Even if approved tomorrow, work would not begin immediately. Meanwhile, the BHPSNJ budget is at a critical juncture and will have an immediate impact on our schools.

Ms. Khanna further clarified in her email:

I was not consulted before the lease was added as an agenda item.”

This suggests one of two troubling scenarios:

  1. Dr. Feltre unilaterally added the lease agreement, blindsiding the Board.
  2. Ms. Bradford, in a potential ethical violation, directed staff to include the item without Board discussion.

Ms. Khanna concluded her email with:

“The tentative budget is scheduled for the March 18 meeting. My priority is to focus on the budget and discuss how to maximize tax dollars for the benefit of students.”

We hope the rest of the Board follows suit—because the budget, and our students, are far more important than political maneuvering.

Earlier this year, the BHEA urged the BOE to address the decades-long neglect of our facilities. The current budget process represents the best opportunity to fund immediate and necessary projects. 

Yet, the budget process has already been obstructed. The Budget Administrator has a history of blocking access to critical budget information. At the same time, a faction of BOE members and administrators have historically deflected responsibility by insisting on vague definitions of Board roles—arguing they shouldstay out of the weeds.

But make no mistake:

The Board of Education’s primary responsibility is the budget. That is their job.

We hope that under new leadership, the BOE will push for transparency and cooperation from the administration—something Dr. Feltre promised when she stepped into this role.

Meanwhile, Mayor Devanney’s turf field project is not the most pressing issue facing our District. Our focus must remain on:

  • Declining enrollments and rising costs
  • Disproportionate spending—with massive investments in administration, athletics, and security, while crucial areas like textbooks, co-curriculars, and tutoring remain underfunded
  • Unanswered financial discrepancies—The Township and District have yet to explain inconsistencies between security spending reported in the ACFR and invoices we’ve obtained. If these invoices reflect additional costs the Township expected the District to cover, the BOE’s decision not to approve was the right one.

Why the sudden push for the turf field now? We can speculate:

  • The Mayor is attempting to distract from growing community concerns over recent Township decisions—most notably the BHFD controversy, which faces a final vote this week.
  • Certain factions hope to sideline critical budget discussions and pressure the BOE into rubber-stamping administrative recommendations.

The increasing level of political interference in our schools is alarming.

We urge our BOE members to stay focused on what truly matters: our students, our schools, and responsible financial stewardship.

The Mayor’s legacy project will happen—but it must be done the right way, at the right time, and without sacrificing the immediate needs of our District.


To help families engage in the budget discussion, here are resources to better understand the financial priorities at stake:

Breaking Down The 2025 7-District Budget Dashboard with Images Part One

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Two: Administrative and Legal Costs

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Three: Special Needs

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Four: Transportation and a Note on Special Needs

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Five: Facilities, Grounds and Custodial Services 

2025 7-District Budget Dashboard in Pictures Part Six: Athletics, Co-Curricular, Textbooks and Educational Media Services



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John Migueis

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