Park Ave Speed Limit Lowered & Ordinance Restructuring Fire Prevention Bureau Moves Forward

Berkeley Heights Town CouncilTown Council Agenda and Meeting Summary

Quick Post Meeting Note- 03/04/2025 Town Council Meeting

The Council passed a resolution to reduce the speed limit on Park Avenue to 30 MPH. However, one resident voiced concerns that the Mayor and Council prioritized popularity over sound policy, pointing to engineering recommendations that suggested potential unintended consequences. The resident warned that a lower speed limit could increase risks, potentially leading to more tailgating and unsafe passing over solid lines.

One of the more controversial resolutions introduced tonight proposes significant structural changes to the Bureau of Fire Prevention:

  • The Bureau would be transferred from the Fire Department to the Building Department, shifting oversight and administrative control.
  • The Fire Chief’s recommendation would no longer be required for the appointment of the Fire Official or Bureau members.
  • Prior service in the Fire Department would no longer be a requirement for Bureau membership, though it remains preferred.
  • The Bureau’s reports would now be submitted to the Head of the Building Department, rather than the Fire Chief.

During the meeting, the Fire Chief voiced opposition to these changes, raising concerns about their potential impact on safety standards and the effectiveness of fire prevention efforts. Two residents joined the chief in asking the Council to vote down the resolution – which passed.

Full Resolution

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John Migueis

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