Resident Comments on Redevelopment Study Approved by the Council during the 11/21/2023 Berkeley Heights Council
An informative exchange involving a resident during the 11/21/2023 Town Council Meeting. One note is the response to the question...
Responses from Mayor Devanney and Members of the Town Council on Concerns Surrounding OPRA and OPMA Reform
Since learning about potential changes to OPRA in June of this year, we have been reaching out to the Mayor...
The Tyranny of the Minority, Part 3
by Steve Greguske In Part 1 we learned that our school has embraced the New Jersey Department of Education’s transgender...
Latest Elementary and Middle School Rankings Not Encouraging For Berkeley Heights
The decline in rankings continues under Dr. Melissa Varley as Superintendent -Written by an Educator in the Community The following...
How Concerns over Present and Future Class Sizes & Increased Hiring of Administrators Turned into A Lesson On Parental Belittlement
-Michelle Phillippi My first inklings of something feels off this school year began in August. When my first two children...
Congratulations to Illis and Machado on a Clean Campaign and Election Victory
Steve Mondragon, Edmund Tom Maciejewski, and the ‘Stop The Overdevelopment in Berkeley Heights’ team As the outcomes of the Berkeley...
Sai and Natasha – The Informed, Assertive Leaders We Need on the Berkeley Heights Board of Education
-Amy Peterson I completely agree with many others who have written about the lack of civility many of our elected...
Endorsement for Natasha Joly
This year, for BOE, I am supporting Natasha Joly. She is a fantastic human being as she has an ability...
Join me in Voting for Sai for Board of Education
– Daniel Bartiromo I met Sai Bhargavi Akiri Several years ago when running for Berkeley Heights Board of Education. Sai’s...
In Support of Illis & Machado for Town Council
Cheryl Venter, Berkeley Heights I am writing in support of the Illis & Machado ticket for Berkeley Heights Township Council....