Good Morning, We invite elected officials and administrators to use our platforms to connect with constituents each year. In our current "anniversary year," we have had contributions in print or...
The following is an email received from Jessica Lesperance, Berkeley Heights Resident, to the County Superintendent Daryl Palmieri in Support of Ms. Khanna for BOE President. Mr. Palmieri’s email...
-Steven Kark I do not typically share my opinions publicly, but I am shocked and amazed that Ms. Penna is even being considered for President. How is anyone following our District even considering...
The current Berkeley Heights Board of Education didn't magically arrive where they are now. There have been a series of events and actions that have led to the situation that exists today, and while...
The following is an email received from Geetha Ghai, Berkeley Heights Resident, to the County Superintendent Daryl Palmieri in Support of Ms. Khanna for BOE President. Mr. Palmieri’s email address...
A Board that Finally Deliberates in Public! I echo JP's public comments in commending Mr. Hyman for his ability to effectively and respectfully preside over the 1/18/24 meeting. He controlled the...
The following is an email received from Daniel Brown, Berkeley Heights Resident and Parent, to the County Superintendent Daryl Palmieri in Support of Ms. Khanna for BOE President. Mr. Palmieri's...
While there is certainly a contingent that is going to try to spin last night's meeting as "too long" or "chaotic" it's important to note that if one considers all the important material the BOE had...
Why is the BHPSNJ Audit Still Not Available? A recent article on how the Berkeley Heights Superintendent got a raise, in a procedurally incorrect manner and which obscured the action, violating...