Designed To Fail: Last Year’s BOE Majority Created Conditions For Chaos
Berkeley Heights Residents should pay close attention to this Thursday’s BOE Re-Org Meeting Yesterday, Laura wrote about the BOE Agenda...
How the Number of Berkeley Heights BOE Meetings Compare with Neighboring Districts
Berkeley Heights is in the middle of the pack with an average number of Board of Education meetings over three...
More Questions Remain on the BHPSNJ Improper Transportation Survey
At the last meeting, Mr. Juskiewicz said there was no board correspondence since the previous meeting. I pointed out the...
BHCW 12/17/2023 Newsletter
What’s Important to Know About Berkeley Heights This Week… This week’s newsletter starts with a snapshot of raw data on...
Shauna’s Notes on the 12/14/2023 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting
Gaslighting On the RFP, More Power to the President, Still No Answers on Legal Spending and Board Correspondence Now Requires...
Board Games: Not What We Had on our Holiday Wish List
Questions surround recent board decisions and superintendent recommendations… The Berkeley Heights BOE may be taking advantage of having a new...
12/14/2023 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting Agenda: Laura’s Notes
Approve Board Goals The BOE will; 1. Improve planning and committee structure; 2. Work to improve communication, both internally and...
Suspect RFP’s and Lame Duck Sessions
Resident Comments During the 12/07/2023 Berkeley Heights BOE Meeting Last night’s meeting ended with the BOE not taking any action...
Is the BOE Majority Setting the District Up for Another Violation at Tonight’s Special Meeting?
Another Questionable Special Meeting And Potential Violation Shauna WIlliams sent the following email in connection to the purpose of tonight’s...
What It’s Like to Ask For Basic Documents from the Berkeley Heights School District
A recent example Illustrating why OPRA Laws Cannot be Weakened I am posting this conversation to illustrate how the District...