A Small Step Forward

For the first time in a long time I am feeling hopeful.

In my 15+ years as a BH resident, I was happy to experience the most civilized campaign season I can remember. There was no public mud-slinging, bashing, or trash-talking of the opposing candidates.

The concession letter from Tom and Steve was classy, honorable, and heartfelt.

This is Berkeley Heights.

This election season has demonstrated that we can be united as a community. We have all taken a step in understanding that we can be civilized with each other even when we disagree.

Coming off election night, the CMS Principal hosted an informal “Principals Chat” with any interested CMS parents. The crowd was hearty for a 9:30 a.m. meeting during a very unconventional week.

I left feeling hopeful, yet again. The first step in listening, communicating, and understanding the needs of parents and students reigned today’s winner. I commend our Principal for his level of participation today and his eagerness to make positive change and seek better ways to support the students, teachers, and their families.

It is not easy to sit in a room with parents listening to constructive criticism, but it happened today. We CAN improve, and it’s through sometimes uncomfortable conversations with mutual respect that everyone’s needs and wants can be heard and validated. We can and will get to a better place from conversations and an effort from all to work together.


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