Update on The Battle to Save OPRA – 12:00pm
BHCW submitted its testimony on the OPRA bill to the Senate and Assembly last night with an update today as the petition continues to add signatures.
We also joined the WFP, ACLU, LWV, and 120 other organizations throughout the state in signing a letter opposing Sarlo and Danielsen’s bills to destroy Opra.
Berkeley Heights BOE Representative Sai Akiri and Town Council-member Margaret Illis are in Trenton today with several other Berkeley Heights residents to express opposition to both bills in a “standing room only” hearing.
Ms. Poage and Mr. Couto have responded to BHCW, indicating that they’ve shared their positions with legislators but have yet to make their positions on the OPRA bills known to us.
According to our sources and folks on Twitter at the meetings, Senator Scutari is playing major games—swapping out members he knows would vote “no” with members who would vote “yes” and changing the order of the bill. Berkeley Heights residents are also reporting that Scutari is glued to his phone while people are trying to express their opinions.
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