Update on Our Efforts to Stop the Assault on the the Open Public Records Act

While the OPRA Bill passed Committees on Monday, it is going for a vote tomorrow, and we can still stop it as momentum against it continues to grow.

BHCW sent a letter to legislators Sunday along with the petition.. BHCW also joined 100 other organizations throughout NJ, asking that this bill be stopped.

Since it passed committee, Mayor Devanney and every member of our Town Council, along with four Board of Education Members, (Berkeley Heights) have publicly opposed the bill through our petition or in a separate email to legislators.

We’ve also reached out to our state representatives – Assemblywoman Matsikoudis’ office indicated that she would be skeptical of the bill; Assemblywoman Munoz’s office said she would vote a firm no, and we have not heard back from Bramnick (he might still be mad at me from a few years ago).

We re-sent the petition tonight with another email as the signature list keeps growing.

Please share the petition with everyone you know and ask them to sign after educating themselves on the issue. If the Bill Passes we are going to take our case to the Governor.

Sign the Petition to Protect OPRA

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