Is County Clerk Joanne Rajoppi Up to the Same Old Tricks?

Joanne Rajoppi should be a familiar name to Berkeley Heights Residents.  She was responsible for the disastrous ballot back in 2022 that cost Natasha and Sai the election that year.

She’s also been on the wrong end of lawsuits and controversies connected to ballot issues before and after 2022.

If you were to go to the Union County Election page as of a few minutes ago, the whole month of September is missing and sample ballots have not yet been posted.  

A resident called the County office today and was told that 21 ballots have already been mailed out.

When you consider this fact , that George Devanney is a candidate for BOE and that one of the individuals who signed his petition sits on the Board of Elections, one has to wonder what is going on, what this Ballot is going to end up looking like and why so much information is missing from the County website.

Berkeley Heights residents are entitled to fair elections.

Please reach out to Ms. Rajoppi and ask her why the sample ballot is not out yet and why an entire month is missing from the County Elections page.

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