This Is What Community Looks Like

Jean Marquis

Those of us who were able to attend the Berkeley Heights Town meeting spoke out letting Berkeley Heights residents and the town council know that we need and support Liza to continue the work that she has done during the past years.

The room was packed with residents who showed up in support of Liza Porteus fighting to be reinstated to her position as Administrator which she held for four years. The Council refused to rehire her. Residents came to her support and spoke for over two hours as they spoke about Liza and how she was supported of all who came to her for help.

I had not planned to speak that night but was so moved from hearing so many residents supporting her that I also took that opportunity to show further that during the time when the virus was at its peak, Liza reached out to me when I told her what difficulty my senior neighbors were having getting the vaccine.

She supported my helping over twelve senior citizens get the covid injections in Kent Drive, Lorraine Drive and Lenape with the help of Kris Slevens who worked long hours trying to find places that had the vaccines when I sent Kris the information about what seniors I knew needed help.

Without Kris this would not have happened.

We have found out again tonight that “People united will never be defeated”.

This is what community looks like.

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