Admin Steps in it Again?

Dr. Varley’s recent email about the AP Class Controversy tells an interesting story.

Update: A parent just contacted me to direct me to the last BOE meeting on 3/13. At timestamp 1:32:15 Mrs. Stanley mentions seeing other towns have to cut programs. In response, at timestamp 1:33:05 the Superintendent says, “For 6-12 we have some classes that operate below five, and it would be eliminating some of those classes.” She then goes on to say at 1:33:42 that “our classes will go to the state requirement which is 15, six through twelve”. Seems pretty clear that in her own words she has indicated that classes with enrollment lower than 15 will be cut. But, “misinformation”. Or something.

—-Original Article—-

Ah, here we go. Are we really to believe whomever created the petition about the AP Classes just pulled the idea from their backsides and thought it would be fun to create “misinformation”? Or is it more believable that this was discussed somewhere?

Carefully read this part of the recent email from our Superintendent:

“There will be two AP courses with enrollment that falls below 10 students. These two courses will need to go to the Board of Education for approval as per Board Policy 2312. However, I have spoken to the Curriculum Chair and she does not think continuing these vital courses will be an issue.”

Isn’t it curious they JUST met yesterday to discuss this?

Had no one raised the issue publicly, and these two courses had gone to the Board for a vote, with a recommendation from the SI to drop, we know from past experience that those two classes would be gone, thanks to the rubber-stamp crew.

Kudos to the public for bringing this “misinformation” forward in order to put a stop to it before it crossed the Rubicon.

Email From Dr. Varley About AP Classes:

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